Grab Bag – Randomly Rated above 3.5

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  1. 20 – Step 4 #4 | Freedom from the Bondage of Self by Joe & Charlie Big Book Study 9 Votes | 4.56 Stars
  2. Sean A. West Vancouver Beach at 36th. Fl,St. Conv. 1992 by Sean A 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  3. 19841225 Clancy I. by Clancy I 5 Votes | 4.6 Stars
  4. Bill’s Story at West Orange 12-15-2011 part 1 by Chris S 2 Votes | 4 Stars
  5. Harold Green. from Annapolis, MD – 49th Annual Sessions by the Sea in Ocean City, MD on (09-05-2006) by Harold G 2 Votes | 5 Stars
  6. 3 Talks to Medical Societies by Bill W 2 Votes | 4 Stars
  7. Tom I 1998 9-18 Taos NM by Tom I 1 Votes | 4 Stars
  8. Burns B 32nd. Florida State Conv.Jacksonville 1988 by Burns B 2 Votes | 5 Stars
  9. Jonathan S. at BRC Austin TX 06-11-11 by 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
  10. Kerri C.A Women’s Perspective , Bernardsville NJ. 2003 by Kerry C 2 Votes | 4 Stars
  11. at ANA Manasquan 8-13-2004 by Chris S 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  12. Clancy I. from Venice CA Cornerstone Anniversary in Dallas TX on (09 01 2001) by Clancy I 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
  13. June G , at Santa Barbara CA. by June G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  14. 1969 Financing The Big Book GSO by Bill W 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  15. Paula M (Al Anon) 13th Annual Fundamentals Festival Burlington NC 1997 by AA Fundamentals Festival - 1997 1 Votes | 4 Stars
  16. Holly Martin from Ann Arbor at 12 Months Talk 11-4-84 by Holly M 3 Votes | 4 Stars
  17. 2012 02 10 jim s mission viejo by Aragon Speakers Meeting (CA) 2 Votes | 4 Stars
  18. Polly P. (Texas) – Mission Beach, by Polly P 2 Votes | 5 Stars
  19. sober since 1938-part 2 by Clarence S 3 Votes | 5 Stars
  20. Liz B 12th. Annual Mississippi Old Timers Roundup , Jackson MS. 1998 by Liz B 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
  21. Karl M on The Doctors Opinion by Karl M 9 Votes | 4.33 Stars
  22. Charlie P on Shame/Guilt, Powerlessness, Service, Sponsorship (Humorous) 🙂 by Charlie P 13 Votes | 4.46 Stars
  23. Chris S at the Carry this Message Group: Steps out of the BB, Emotional Sobriety, Fellowship vs. Sponsorship by Chris S 1 Votes | 4 Stars
  24. Steps 4-4 1995 by Chris R & Myers R 6 Votes | 4.17 Stars
  25. Fr. Bernie F. from Ocala FL. at Marietta GA. April 2000 by AA Clergy 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
  26. Charlie L. The Arkansas Traveler at The Web-Bracken Group 1978 by 1 Votes | 4 Stars
  27. Brenda F. at Mustard Seed Group April 2002 by Brenda F 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
  28. Dr Burns B Delta Roundup by Burns B 5 Votes | 4.4 Stars
  29. Jaywalker Group – “Seeking Abiding Faith” by Russel S 7 Votes | 4.14 Stars
  30. Brenda F. Brandon FL. 9-21-96 by Brenda F 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  31. Ebby Thatcher, Ebby’s Views , Memphis TN.1958 by Ebby T 6 Votes | 4.5 Stars
  32. Karen G. (VeniceCA) – ‘Sponsorship Conference’; Seattle WA; 2000 by Karen G 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  33. 04 There is a solution (Espanol) by AA Gran Libro en Español (Big Book in Spanish) 1 Votes | 4 Stars
  34. three legacies part 1of2 by Bill W 2 Votes | 5 Stars
  35. John C. Worthington OH, 1-7-06 by John C 3 Votes | 4.67 Stars
  36. Fr. Terry R. speaking in Hawaii April 11th 1999 by AA Clergy 4 Votes | 5 Stars
  37. 9th Session Peter M. Winter Step Series 2014 by Peter M - 2014 Step Series 7 Votes | 4.29 Stars
  38. Ilene W. Los Angeles, CA. at Costa Brava Convention. Spain 2004 by Ilene W 10 Votes | 4 Stars
  39. 1990 00-00 @ Pacific Group 14 Years by Debbie D 3 Votes | 4 Stars
  40. Ken D.. Auburn FWP Anniversary 1992-11-21 by Ken D 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  41. DR.BOB, Dr. Bob – Last Major Talk (Detroit, MI, Dec. 1948) from 7 inch reel by Dr. Bob 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  42. Al B and Horace F two early Texas members 1956 by 3 Votes | 4.33 Stars
  43. David A. from Dallas TX Speaking at The 30th Annual AA Convention in Oklahoma 1971 by AA Doctors 1 Votes | 5 Stars
  44. Casmr Lapinski , Cleveland Ohio DOS 1942 by 3 Votes | 4 Stars
  45. Father M 1992 , @ HarvDeGrace MD 33 Years by AA Clergy 1 Votes | 4 Stars
  46. Mark Houston and Friends 2006 by Mark Houston 6 Votes | 4.5 Stars
  47. Step 4 -The Saturday Night Sobriety Group by Russel S 8 Votes | 4.25 Stars
  48. Kerry C Step 10 Bernardsville 2007 by Kerry C 2 Votes | 4.5 Stars
  49. Cubby S at The Pacific Group in Brentwood , California 1990 by Dog on the Roof Group 2 Votes | 5 Stars
  50. Joe McQ Little Rock AK. at Georgia State Conv. Oct.1982 by Joe McQ 2 Votes | 5 Stars

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