About Donations

RecoveryAudio.org is not a for-profit venture  – I’m just an ordinary alcoholic with a web information architecture background that saw big value in a site where tapes could be organized by relevant topics and easily listened to on mobile devices (82% of site visitors) as well as desktop computers.  Those tapes contain a goldmine of recovery experience (the caliber of which is not often found in normal meetings in my experience) –  adding some written context to a tape allows for it to be categorized, gives relevancy to visitors, and most importantly entices someone to listen to it (the site’s “Primary Purpose”).

Donations are requested for:

  • Approximately $220/month to: host, stream, provide site hacker security, and ongoing developer and plugin fees for over 1.15 Terabytes of audio files to over 55,000+ visitors a month, regularly streaming up to 20+ tapes at any one time (bandwidth is unlimited – using Amazon Web Services to guarantee there are no bottlenecks).
  • The site cost over $3200 in developer costs to date (2017 – and I continue to fund more development costs as needed to enhance user experience) and 700+ hours worth of my own work to build out and upload the initial content/infrastructure (I’m still putting in 5-10 hours a month to maintain/improve it – I do not compensate myself).  Eventually I hope to get the development capital back, and if the site ever gets into the black, the next step would be to fund development of a mobile app to make access to tapes that much easier (but cost probably 5k+ to do it).

Many thanks!!