6000 AA Speakers and Tapes
Recent Hot Speakers
- An Irish-Born Storyteller Finds Her Recovery in America: 114 Votes | 4.36 Stars
- Don C (Native American) Bluff City, Memphis TN. 10-12-97: 47 Votes | 4.23 Stars
- Hilarious Story & The Solution Presented Simply: 804 Votes | 3.56 Stars
- Astrid – Excellent, Articulate Speaker!: 174 Votes | 3.88 Stars
- A 12-Step Happening: 53 Votes | 3.89 Stars
- The Ego’s Biggest Worry 🙂: 239 Votes | 3.79 Stars
AA Speakers by Category
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- Northstar Big Book Series
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Untagged Tapes (Please Help !!)
About RecoveryAudio
In early 2014 the developer of RecoveryAudio (a fellow alcoholic) was granted access to some 14,000 AA recordings from a few hundred different AA Speakers. The speakers were powerful, and some were well-known – those speakers and their recordings had to be made available to search engines so they could be indexed, found by us alcoholics, and listened to.
That then inspired the developer over a 7 month process to build an AA Speaker site that not only hosted these speakers, but did so in a way that ascribed Titles, Tags, and Comments to speaker tapes based on Step, Category, or Recovery Theme. It is intuitive and simple to find a tape relevant to a visitor’s search engine query, and do it quickly. The hope is we reward the visitor with a tape that provides healing or inspiration to continue to stay sober and pursue their own spiritual path with their Higher Power.
Tape Summaries/Comments