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My Higher power led me to listen to this so that was what I was supposed to do but the answers are in the first 164 pages and she dismisses that so although she’s a “retread” she still needs to fi more growing but she’s on the right path. I know where she’s at right now I hope though she doesn’t become a re re tread
Worst AA talk I have ever listened to. No respect for the traditions. Failed to understand that the 3rd step is what makes you ready for the 4th. Claims to have read the doctor’s opinion but does not seem to understand the difference between the mental obsession and the physical craving. Way too much opinion, we she acknowledges, but not enough wisdom to not share it.
Appropriate taking into consideration that their are various forms of alcoholic and not all will relate to this childhood trauma ☮️🙏🏽🙏
Please do not say that only 2% of people who come into the rooms of AA stay sober and insinuate that 98% of the rest of he people get drunk. We don’t have attendance records; no one really has that information, and it’s kind of dangerous to put out numbers like that. its very discouraging to the newcomers.
When Astrid started down the path of more psychology then I started to get concerned. When she went full bore into A.A. should be open to any and all addictions then I understood that she is off on a severe tangent. If her assertion that the real alcoholic doesn’t exist any more then A.A. will die. Then she can have another 12 step program that can address everything. Lets re-read the history of A.A. and stick close to the traditions. Everything else is in God’s hands.
Great Talk, has a Solid Grasp of AA History. Drills Down on AA Principles & Guidelines Naturally out of her Experience, Strength and Hope, from Working Steps In AA. Extends that to Youngsters Today, who have Alcohol & Drug Problems, who wish to Stop Drinking. I thought it was Effective and helpful to me, an Alcoholic. Liked her Spirituality, with Humor, and Honesty.
You’re right on
This speaker had my attention until she decided anyone should be able to come to AA. We have traditions for a reason. AA is for anyone that has a problem with alcohol 🍷 The Washingtonians tried this for us in the 1800 and it didn’t work. There are other 12 step programs for people with problems other than alcohol 🍺 I was really enjoying the speaker until that point and then she lost me !!!
I think the message from Astrid was work the steps and develop a conscious contact with God as you understand him. I appreciated her message.
I agree with Astrid there are so many younger people coming in the doors of AA whose experience is with alcohol and drugs…one worse than the other…both drugs equally or relapsing and going on to a different drug – the stories at the back of the book include people talking about drugs, even Dr Bob himself shooting up some sedative or another for years…making him in my mind also a drug addict and he shared it in his story. It’s important to identify with being an alcoholic as it is AA and as long as the main focus is on that i don’t have any issues with it. We do all have the same common problem and also we offer a common solution. Astrid has a very powerful message
Thank you, Sally Ann. You voiced my own thoughts.
SINGLENESS OF PURPOSE! AA is for people with a problem with alcohol! As a recovering alcoholic, 8/20/90 , keep it simple! I use other substances to control and enjoy my drinking.