Astrid H has
9 speaker tapes.
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- Astrid – Excellent, Articulate Speaker!: 174 Votes | 3.88 Stars
- Astrid H. from Grenada Hills at Yosemite Convention Nov 2010: 45 Votes | 3.84 Stars
- Astrid H. from Grenada Hills – Steps 1, 2, & 3: 26 Votes | 4.04 Stars
- Astrid H – ACYPAA Fresno -2013: 24 Votes | 3.79 Stars
- Astrid H. at Danville CA Nov 2011: 24 Votes | 4.25 Stars
- Astrid H in Fresno: 13 Votes | 4.31 Stars
- Astrid H. from Grenada Hills at Alcoholic Personality Formation: 12 Votes | 3.58 Stars
- Astrid H. from Grenada Hills at At Peninsula Primetime , 2012: 10 Votes | 3.4 Stars
- Astrid H. from Grenada Hills at CALA Convention – 2012: 6 Votes | 3 Stars
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First time I heard her I was in early recovery and thought she was pretty good. But today I’m not a fan of her attempts to include every drug ever snorted shot up or stuffed up someone’s butt with AA. It is not everyone’s experience and I think the message loses some credibility with some of us. A bit over the top and those things are best left ahared with a sponsor. All women didn’t use prostitution to feed our habit. A bit of a drama addiction. Just my thoughts. I’m no Lilly white as snow but no it doesn’t describe all Alcoholics today.
Incredible speaker … I hope any doubters of the program have the opportunity to hear Astrid’s message.
You helped me cry tears of joy, you carry the “real” message, I’m honored to have made it with you, thanks…
This is by far the BEST speaker I have ever heard!!!!
Listening to Emotional Sobriety by Astrid H. is amazing.
This woman is amazing. Changed my world thank you Astrid.
OK….one of the most profound speakers I have had the absolute pleasure to hear…my sponsor just went to the San Fernando Convention and heard her…brought back the tapes…THANK YOU for sharing your experience, strength and hope!!! xo