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The Spiritual Revolution of Humanity,
that is “hidden in plain view”
By The Toxic Reverend
It is highly recommended that you read this all over,
before you check out any of the links that are given
as reference material.
The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous were taken
from the Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount, by Jesus Christ. The same 12 Steps are used with all of
the 12 Step Programs, from Over Eaters Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and many
In reference:
A.A.’s Sermon On The Mount – Silkworth.net
Now exactly why so very few of the “Christians”,
with their various denominations, do not teach nor
practice these 12 Steps is one thing. But the truth is
that the true words and meanings of Jesus Christ have
not “passed away” and are being practiced by millions,
in every language, around the world. Though such is
“hidden in plain view”.
That said, my “opinions” about “God, Religion and
Spirituality are given after the George Carlin video
on the subject, in the 2nd “locked comment”, posted at:
It might be of interest to you what one of the co-founders
of Alcoholics Anonymous had to say about this;
Bill W On Spiritual Experiences – 1970 –
Bill W
Notes about Bill W
William Griffith Wilson
(November 26, 1895 – January 24, 1971),
was the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
One example of what the 12 Steps can do:
Casmr Lapinski;
Joined A.A. at about the age of 25 and passed away
after being sober for over 60 years, Cleveland Ohio.
Cass Lapinski recorded 1942 AA meeting
2576 Casmr Lapinski , Cleveland Ohio DOS 1942 –
Source: A total of 5772 recordings
A true teacher remains a student,
Tom K
Born march 1959
Sobriety date march 10, 1985
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any judicial or legislative oversight. Since the passage
of the National Defense and Authorization Act that obama
has signed into law, you may be arrested and held indefinitely
with out charges, with out a trial and with out the right to an attorney.
Long live A.A