Speaker Tape Tagged With:AA Convention Tapes

Popular Speaker Tapes:

  1. 2. Finding the Power – Steps 2 & 3 by "The Power to Get Free" - Joe H 94 Votes | 3.3 Stars
  2. 2013 – Funny Recovery Share by Adam T 181 Votes | 3.61 Stars
  3. Earl H- Steps 08-09 by Earl H 75 Votes | 3.39 Stars
  4. Earl H – Steps 1 & 2 by Earl H 483 Votes | 3.53 Stars
  5. Paul M in Bloomington 2013 by Paul M 79 Votes | 3.51 Stars
  6. Steps 1-9 – Amarillo, 1995 by Mark Houston 130 Votes | 3.37 Stars
  7. The 12 Steps | part 1 of 2 by Earl H 83 Votes | 3.4 Stars
  8. A 12-Step Happening by Chris R 53 Votes | 3.89 Stars
  9. Paul F Step Workshop – Step 1 by Paul F 79 Votes | 3.37 Stars
  10. On “Chicken-Sh*t Recovery One Liners”… by Chris R 109 Votes | 3.82 Stars