Popular Speaker Tapes:
- Steps 1 & 2 – 1995 by Sandy Beach 223 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Astrid – Excellent, Articulate Speaker! by Astrid H 174 Votes | 3.88 Stars
- Earl Hightower – 2002 (funny, inspiring) by Earl H 94 Votes | 3.89 Stars
- Finding and Connecting To Your Higher Power by Sandy Beach 85 Votes | 3.64 Stars
- Emotional Sobriety @ West Ptld Group by Sharon B 78 Votes | 3.5 Stars
- Steps 10, 11 and 12 in Del Mar, CA – October 18th 2006 by Sandy Beach 59 Votes | 3.68 Stars
- Paul F Step Workshop – Step 1 by Paul F 79 Votes | 3.37 Stars
- Jack B – Steps 1-6 in Darwin, Australia by Jack Brennan 50 Votes | 3.16 Stars
- Personal Stories – Part 1 by Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book Audio 60 Votes | 3.62 Stars
- Bob D – Step 4 , Fear & Sex at Woodstock of AA, Cocoa Beach FL. May 2010 by Bob D 91 Votes | 3.62 Stars
thanks to you all. Even “only” in SLAA the rooms saved literally and physically my life. Thanks for keeping the doors open
How to get Danny Trejo to speak at an AA meeting? I heard him 30 years ago and my sponsor gave me assignment to try to get him to a local (SoCal) Saturday night meeting.
What a fantastically depressing dirge. AH is an amazing actor – and to hear him spout this unctuous piffle about a ludicrous cult founded by a buffoon on LSD on principles he stole from another cult, almost gives one hope. If such a great actor can be taken in by such tripe, then there is hope for us all!
I’ll leave your comment approved Marcia; while quite unhinged, I find it amusing!
Approved, or unapproved, it is firmly hinged on the principles of the enlightenment. While that which it speaks upon is firmly nailed to the Post Grecian, pre-historic in origin, recrudescent superstitious barbarism from the infant stage of our species. To those that think that is a good thing either don’t know about what they speak, or don’t care. To think that AA and the absurd ’12 steps’ are ‘treatment’ of any kind other than a mistreatment is a denigration and gross misappropriation of the word. AA is a crude cult.
Not sure how you managed to even find this website and listen to the speaker if there were no interest here. Recrudescent superstitious barbarism! I love it. Please write more.
Keep Coming Back!!
Bloviate much?
The pride you take in revealing your ignorance of what AA is really about is quite astonishing and disturbing at the same time. What a shame.
Those that don’t appreciate irony are bound to be its victims.
Crazy banter! The message shouldn’t be wasted on someone that doesn’t want it. Save it for someone that goes…and cares!
Marcia – a very bitter comment from you.
Prove AH wrong!
Hope you find some peace.
i used to be a homeless rodeo clown but now i am a world class magician! thanks aa!
April 17, 2017 at 8:24 am
2/1/89 is my SD. My number is 562-243-5711. Please, please let me be of Service as a Speaker. I would be honored, humble & grateful following in The 12 steps of Danny Trejo, Robin J., Of Funkadelic & Sir Anthony H. Thank You, Exzumed De Cear from Lakewood.
DeCear – when you speak, try and get someone to record it for you and I’ll get it put up here and hear your message.
What a terrific sense of humor and deep rooted gratitude. Lovely. Thank you.
Brilliant stuff
I am secretary of an amazing AA artist and Entertainment meeting in North Hollywood approximately 100 people. It is on Tuesday night 10:30pm late night. I have recently been voted in secretary and am looking to continue bringing in only the best speakers I can find in the hollywood california area. Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions for speakers and any info you may need. Thank you. 8183703420
2/1/89 is my SD. My number is 562-243-5711. Please, please let me be of Service as a Speaker. I would be honored, humble & grateful following in The 12 steps of Danny Trejo, Robin J., Of Funkadelic & Sir Anthony H. & take AA to its next level. Thank You, Exzumed De Cear from Lakewood.