Popular Speaker Tapes:
- Steps 10 & 11 by Sandy Beach 211 Votes | 3.46 Stars
- Lynbrook PPG 20110719 Sadik – Steps 1-3 by Primary Purpose Group - Lynbrook, NY 59 Votes | 3.68 Stars
- Mildred F – Step 4, Fear & Sex ,19th. Spring Conference Cocoa Beach – 2009 by 50 Votes | 3.62 Stars
- Meeting and Outgrowing Fear | 2005 by Russel S 64 Votes | 3.8 Stars
- Finding and Connecting To Your Higher Power by Sandy Beach 85 Votes | 3.64 Stars
- Steps 10, 11 and 12 in Del Mar, CA – October 18th 2006 by Sandy Beach 59 Votes | 3.68 Stars
- Steps 4-9 as the Launching Pad to the 4th Dimension | 2009 by Russel S 58 Votes | 4.03 Stars
- The 12 Steps | part 1 of 2 by Earl H 83 Votes | 3.4 Stars
- Sandy B at Gulf Shores Alabama February 2008 by Sandy Beach 89 Votes | 3.52 Stars
- A Spiritual Malady – May 2012 by Sandy Beach 176 Votes | 3.51 Stars
Chris Raymer saves lives. Simple. Brilliantly explains the truth.
Fantastic listening to these shares, especially Chris R. Everywhere you see a Chris R share and the description for it, the word controversial always appears !!! ALWAYS. And he’s only sharing what’s in the big book… Hard to decipher this. Sadly, it shows exactly what he is sharing about. Talking abour what’s in the book is considered controversial nowadays… Wow. Proves why not many people are getting and staying sober. A problem drinker is telling a newcomer, real alcoholic to do a step a year. He means well as it worked for him… But, he’s not a real alcoholic and doesn’t need a spiritual awakening as a result of the steps to stay alive. The ONLY way for a real alcoholic to recover. Simple. A so called addict I used with before meeting him in the rooms said to me one time when we were using, I don’t know how you can smoke crack today as it’s too hot for me to do it…!!!!!!!! Really. Really. Really. Real addicts risk, death, jail and limb loss etc… To use but the heat was too much for him. And the funders paid 35 grand to put him in rehab… Time wasters. Last one, I heard a guy in NA say, I knew I needed help with drugs when I nearly didn’t finish my Uni degree……
Yeah, I knew when I couldn’t even finish having a crap before I ran, pants down, poo half out to smoke a pipe. Be careful who you listen too.