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Loving an alcoholic is tough. Watching them die is tough. I think she is right on. You get to sort out your own situation though. No formula works on human beings. Take what works and leave what doesn’t. However, If you are the alcoholic, work the steps, all of them in order.
Terrible advice on parenting. If I had listened to this sort of shit my sons would be dead now – whereas they are well-balanced, happy, solvent, responsible parents.
And I am not a doormat – I just had the guts to tangle with adolescence as every parent should.
I’m with you
I agree
I’ve been able to support my son throughout the years
Thank y from Sweden.
A mother at the high school my boys attend called the police when she was having a fight with her son. My sons played lacrosse with this boy. She told them he was armed. The police came and shot and killed her son. The police are armed to protect, not to deal with the disease of alcoholism.
She tells it as it is. Why do so many women suddenly become quiet, soft-spoken “life is perfect”-sounding… after a few years in? This woman is telling the truth about life on life’s terms & as i continue to stay sober (just turned 8 years sober in May of 2018) i hope i can have the ‘sound of sobriety’ in my voice like she does. It’s because she is walking the walk.
Tough Love
Parenting an Alcoholic
Tags updated Eva, thanks!
Validated all I did with tough love as a mother the first time and encourages me to do even more this time around. It makes my stomach hurt, it makes me want to cry and scream, but I know she’s right. Thank you for working your program and sharing.