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Things I related to:Being a military wife; growing up alone. Quickly working with others… as in the back to basics seminars. I too have children and a husband and understand having brought shame to them. I too understand feeling like I’ve been selfish…as she put it its all about me feeling good about me. I understand the intensity of having an extremely long relationship. I also was afraid I was gonna die towards the end of my using.
Polly P Steps 4 and 5, I found this absolutely invaluable to me as I’m working through my Step 4. I’ve listened to many speaker tapes over the last year and I finally found my story, my way of thinking, my fears and now my hopes. I would also find this helpful under the heading of “relationships”, especially for women, and most certainly for this alchoholic woman. She also opened my eyes to the possibility of hitting bottom in sobriety with the continuance of some old behaviours, something I hadn’t considered but now realise is totally possible. Many, many thanks!
“Relationships” tag added Sue, thanks for your input!
She also has a great talk on emotional sobriety here as well that we have used in the Emotional Sobriety skype group I belong to.